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1、4JokerTo themll皮鞋, you#39re like a freak like me They just need you right now But as soon as they don#39t, they#39ll cast you out like a leper Their morals, their codeIt#39s a bad joke Dropped。


2、一袭黑西装,一双白袜,一双黑皮鞋,外加一顶黑色礼帽,那是ll皮鞋他身上ll皮鞋的一种符号, 它们成为他不朽的诗篇,也镌刻进许多人的回忆的青春之中他的拥戴者像阅读圣经一样将他的音乐珍藏,他们对他的爱近乎宗教般的狂热 这一副迈克尔·。

3、6如果你喜欢ll皮鞋我就发条短信给我,如果你中意我就打个电话给我,如果爱我的话,那就保持沉默吧 If you like me, send me a text message If you like me, I#39ll call me If you love me, keep silent 7生命的短暂。

4、走上舞台弹吉他 Make a little money, buy a fancy car 赚点小钱买一辆好车 Big old house and an alligator 一个大的老房子和一只鳄鱼 Just to match with them alligator shoes 还有一双配得上它们的鳄鱼牌皮鞋 He#39。


5、you#39ll never catch me in the next man#39s sweater 你永远不能超过我,就算是在下个赛际If they hate, let #39em hate, I drop ya whole clan 他们恨我入骨,就让他们恨去我会彻底击败,你们整个团体Lay yo。


